Proxima Centauri

Disguised and stowing away on a cattle shuttle, I reached Proxima Centauri's base unnoticed. The disguise didn't last long; Sergeant Matthews found me, barking orders as alarms rang out. I joined a division under my friend John, ready for battle.
Our transport to the Leviathanid-controlled oil base was interrupted by a laser strike, throwing us into chaos. Amid the carnage, I spotted an opportunity: the water tower. If destroyed, it could flood the base, crippling both the Methusaloid masters and their Leviathanid beasts. Hijacking a cruiser, I aimed it at the tower, bailing at the last second. The plan worked. The base flooded, the enemy disoriented, and our forces triumphed.
Though injured and arrested, I was acquitted and hailed for my daring act. The war's end was in sight. Tomorrow, we'd march to Arathea, the final chapter of the Draethian War within reach.
Proxima Centauri Background