I go to Mars to remake myself, determined to become a soldier too strong to fail, too fierce to fear death. For months, I train in the trenches, in the mud, and in the lakes that dot the red planet's surface. When I'm not sparring or practicing drills, I'm in the gym or on the basketball court.
My effort pays off. I become a Space Force SEAL, a Corporal ready to lead my own division into battle. But fate isn't kind. While attempting a 360 dunk, I break my ankle, sidelining me for months. Stuck on the bench, I watch my comrades fight and die, my frustration mounting.
Desperate to rejoin the war, I bribe my doctor for clearance and forge a note for my Commander. Fueled by adrenaline and marijuana, I consider my next move.
Luke is on the frontlines against the Cheruborans, their forces stretched thin and needing reinforcements. A shuttle leaves tomorrow.
John is defending the British oil base in Alpha Centauri, fending off Leviathanids. It's a secret mission, but I could stow away on a cargo ship.
The next morning, I head to the dock. The conductor yells, "Last call for Jezrelon!"
Where do I go?